A Migraine is a chronic neurologic disease. There are different types of migraines, but the common factor that they all share is a heavy pain that can be on one side, or both sides of the head. There can be various causes of Migraine. They can br heredity, age, lack or excess of sleep, cerainods, listyle, stress and emotions. Stress and negative emotions, weather changes, and loud sounds can easily trigger migraines.
There are two main types of migraine headache:
- Migraine without aura (common migraine).
- Migraine with aura (classical migraine).
What is Aura?
An aura is a symptoms that usually act like warning signals that a migraine headache is about to begin. They can affect your vision, hearing, or ability to speak. You could also have muscle weakness or tingling. Aura symptoms can be stopped/healed. People who have migraine with aura are at a mildly increased risk of stroke.
How yoga can help in managing Migraine?
There are certain asanas which can effectively help to manage migraine on daily basis.
- Padahastasana
- Parsvottanasana
- Prasarita padottanasana
- Chakrasana
- Matsyasana
Nadi Shudhi and Kapalabhati pranayamas are few more ways to help with migraine headaches.
If your body, breath & mind is co-ordinated, the entire function works beautifully & all the aspects of human life i.e., physical, mental, emotional & spiritual will be balanced. Once these all are balanced will lead to a happy & healthy life far from the health conditions. In this era, most of the health conditions is caused by stressful lifestyle & once body, mind is balanced, we minimize the changes of having health disease.
Watch the videos below on which is useful for Migraine Headaches and Simple yet Effective Yoga Practice for Migraine.
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